Perfect Pop Records

Perfect Pop Records

Oslo Oscillator and Firefly Effect at Last Train

25. November 2021 – Publisert i Concerts, Firefly Effect, Oslo Oscillator

Some months ago, actually 17 of them, Oslo Oscillator were scheduled to play at Last Train, but for some well known reason they had to cancel the concert along with thousands of other artists. But now things are a bit more normal again, and Last Train is again the venue where you have a rare opportunity to experience them live at stage. Talking about a rare opportunity – it feels like it’s decades ago that Firefly Effect entered a stage, but today is the day to welcome them back. DJ Vegard Syrstad (The Jessica Fletchers, Truls and the Trees, The Bus Shelters) will play some oldies and newies before, in between, and after the concerts.

Date: November 25
Venue: Last Train
Doors: 21:00
Admission: 150,-

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