Perfect Pop Records

Perfect Pop Records

The Time Lodgers @ Last Train

16. December 2012 – Publisert i Concerts, The Time Lodgers

The Time Lodgers are the founders of Perfect Pop Records, but they split as a band ages ago. When we celebrated 20 years as a record label we asked our founders to play at our jubilee festival at Mono, and they said yes. And they have been playing ever since. They will have one last concert in 2012 at legendary Last Train so be there, but if not – keep an eye on their homepage or Facebook for concerts in 2013 . On Saturday they wrote “Suberb øvelse i går” (“Superb rehearsal yesterday”) on Facebook, so the concert should be a gem.

Date: December 20th
Venue: Last Train
Admission: NOK 100

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Perfect Pop Records, Postboks 783 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo •