Perfect Pop Records

Perfect Pop Records

Robert Birdeye 7″ back in shop

9. December 2010 – Publisert i News, Releases, Robert Birdeye

Are you having sleepless nights over the fact that you’re still missing Robert Birdeye’s second EP in your collection of ultracool vinyl artifacts from Perfect Pop Records? In that case, the joyous news is that this legendary release once again is available in our popshop. For aeons we suspected that Robert Birdeye himself had a secret warehouse somewhere, stacked to the ceiling with unsold copies. And now, the story can be told – it wasn’t far from the truth. One day, as we dropped by Birdye’s apartment while he was in Spendless for a drum recording on an as-yet-nameless band project, we made a quick search, and were astonished to find a stack of these rare EPs stashed away in a secret hiding place in the wall of his bedroom!

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