POP40 – IndiePages
This is the newest Perfect Pop sampler, the sequel to 1994’s aptly titled “A Perfect Pop Compilation: 1991-1994”. As you may expect, this covers the period from 1995 to 2001, though most of the material is actually from the last few years. Perfect Pop is the Norwegian answer to Elephant Six, with its pop bands that are equally bubblegum and psych pop, though it may have preceded E6 by a smidge; or at least was going long before E6 was a household name. Each of the 14 bands on here give one or two tracks. Some of these bands are fairly well known, like the Silly Pillows (who put one of their best songs on here, “Music On My Mind”), the Tables, the Release Party, the Loch Ness Mouse, and the always cool Arne Hansen and the Guitarspellers (okay, maybe “well known” is a bit subjective…); as well as some bands I hadn’t heard previously, like King Midas, the Ethnobabes, and the ace Jessica Fletchers. Most of the songs are available on previous Perfect Pop releases, but unlike their last compilation, there are few unreleased tracks here (only 2, compared to 11 on the first comp). But seeing as I don’t have most of the original releases from which these tunes are taken, it’s kind of a moot point, right?